29 December 2011

Surf facebook free of cost on Airtel

Now surf facebook free of cost using this simple trick  Steps :1. Download a 'Handler opera mini 4.2' (you can google it) 2. Now open it up and fill it up as follows:- CUSTOM HTTP SERVER: http://0.facebook.com. CUSTOM SOCKET SERVER: http://0.facebook.com. FRONT...

26 December 2011

How To Stop Facebook Adult Scam Auto Postings

This adult Facebook scam install an add-on your browser which keeps sending the posts on your Facebook wall automatically. All you have to do is to follow the steps given below to remove that add-on from your browser. For Google Chrome Users 1. Click on the Tools and then...

24 December 2011

Best Programming Jokes

1. A man is smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke rings into the air.  His girlfriend becomes irritated with the smoke and says, “Can’t you see the warning on the cigarette pack?  Smoking is hazardous to your health!”  To which the man replies, “I am a programmer.  We don’t worry about warnings; we only worry about errors.”  2....

23 December 2011

Nokia 5130 c-2 Troubleshooting : Media Player Not Enough Memory Error In Phone ( Solved )

This post is specially written for all those people who have spend a really tough time in handling media player of Nokia 5130 express music . Every-time you open the media player it pops up a msg saying not enough memory in phone. I am having the same problem so i thought of...

22 December 2011

Introduction To Database Management System

Lecture on Database Management System by Prof.D.Janakiram, Department of Computer Science & Engineering ,IIT Madras...

18 December 2011

TuneUp Utilities 2012 Full Version + Serial Key Download | Mediafire TuneUp Utilities 2012 Full Version + Serial Key + Patch

The functions of TuneUp Utilities 2012TuneUp Utilities 2012: The all-around worry-free package for your Windows PC.TuneUp Utilities 2012 provides you with a complete toolbox for optimizing Windows. Clearly structured tools in six categories get the best out of your PC....

17 December 2011

Download IDM 6.07 Free Include Crack, Keygen, Patch Internet Download Manager IDM 6.07 + crack

Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool used to increase download the speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer...

10 December 2011

Computer Jokes | Geek Jokes

 There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0 I'm not anti-social; I'm just not user friendly My software never has bugs. It just develops random features Roses are #FF0000...

01 December 2011

hypetrading.com hacked by Ravish Rawat

Below is a screenshot. There you can see the data that was excessed during the hacking procedu...

Enable .NET Framework 3.5.1 on windows developer preview

Windows 8 Developer Preview comes included with .NET  Framework 4, so you don’t need to install any .NET Framework version on Win8, but to run installed Windows applications and portable ones Windows needs to enable and run .NET framework 3.5.1 which shown by “Turning...

Download Havij 1.5 Full Cracked

Havij 1.5 is one of the most advanced SQL injection tool. It is an automated SQL  injection tool that helps penetration tester to find and exploit sql injection vulnerability in a web page. Features of the software : Back-End database finger printing Retrieve DBMS users Retrieve...