21 September 2011

View chrome cache files using cache view

ChromeCacheView is a small utility that reads the cache folder of Google Chrome Web browser, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache. For each cache file, the following information is displayed: URL, Content type, File size, Last accessed time, Expiration...

facebook scam | facebook dislike button

When it comes to scams Facebook is the place that certainly sees most of them, we have seen a lot of scams like Osama Bin Laden ones circulating, another where a lady lost thousands for showing some compassion and another one that claims to be able to show you who has been visiting...

19 September 2011

windows 8 keyboard shortcuts

Finally I installed Windows 8 Developer Preview on my desktop! If you’re a developer and haven’t tried the new Windows operating system yet definitely then do check out the new Windows 8 Developer Preview. Following is list of keyboard shortcuts of Windows 8 that will help...

Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat Free Ebook Download Link Available

Once upon a time, in small-town India, there lived two intelligent boy and one wanted to use his intelligence to create a revolution. The problem was, they both loved the same girl. Welcome to Revolution 2020. A story about childhood friends Gopal, Raghav and Aarti who struggle...

18 September 2011

u-torrent 3.0 full version free download

µTorrent – Tiny Footprint, Massive PowerµTorrent is the world's most popular BitTorrent client. Check out the features that have made it legendary.  Tiny µTorrent is less than 400 KB (smaller than your Facebook pic!). It installs ultra-fast with a light footprint on...

16 September 2011

windows- 8 developer preview available for download

Microsoft has released its Windows 8 Developer Preview operating system, for PCs and tablets, to the public as a free download. Microsoft has made available three different versions of Windows 8 for download (two versions built for 64-bit systems which use new processors and...

how to remove a particular website's history from firefox

For doing this job we need a tool called CacheFire. It is free to use tool which lets you specify some urls or websites from firefox browsing history, you can specify the complete url of any we page you want to remove from firefox history or partial keyword which matches in...

12 September 2011

brute force password cracking software

brute force attack is a particular strategy used to break your lovingly crafted password. This is the most widely used method of cracking passwords and it involves running through all the possible permutations of keys until the correct key is found. Brute-force attacks can...

11 September 2011

search google on your phone via sms

This is something for mobile phone users in India who don't have a web-enabled phone – you can now search for information on Google using SMS.Google is not charging any premium fee for sending you the SMS message. The Google SMS search service may be used for finding movie timings, weather, nearest pizza restaurant, currency conversion, train schedules,...

find how much time you spend on facebook

          what is facebook runner ? Facebook Runner is a browser extension which displays how much time you spend on Facebook and Internet. Facebook Runner is availabE for Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari, which shows the amount...

09 September 2011

webcam recording software : Create Your Own Security System

Are you ready for an amazing Webcam Capturing/Recording software application that can allow you to capture & record footage & much more? Then this software is for you. Now you can turn your webcam into a high tech security camera with this handy software program.This is a webcam capture application for Windows 9x and up. Any Video for Windows...

free game pilot simulater computer software

Free Flight Simulator Airplane/Pilot Simulation Computer Software Game:This is free airplane flight simulator software for download. Are you ready to for an amazing flight experience? Then buckle up & prepare for takeoff! This Airplane flight simulator computer game has incredible graphics for an amazing gaming experience. You can now take...

free open office sofware suite : Alternative Solution Of Microsoft Office

Powerful office suite that has incredible features that are similar to Microsoft Office, but without paying hundreds of $$$ ? then software is for you. Easily create professional documents, spreadsheet programs, eye-catching multi-media presentations, databases, & much more! All without spending hundreds of dollars on similar software....

07 September 2011

how to delete your facebook account permanently

facebook is the world biggest networking sites till date. but still there are some people who are not impressed with the way facebook is using its users information. many of us want to delete the facebook account but dont't know how to do it so here are the steps to delete...

falling matrix code effect

Inspired by the movie Matrix, this falling code trick is extremely popular on social networking websites. Copy and paste the code given below in Notepad and save the file as "Matrix.bat" or *.bat. @echo off color 02 :tricks echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% goto...

06 September 2011

how to edit any website live in your browser

This is a java script which allows u to edit any website…….. change every text in the website…. but not save it!!!!! 1. Go to any website 2. Paste the below code in the address bar of your browser 3. You can edit the website , but you cannot save it.CODE: javascript:document.body.contentEditable=’true’; document.designMode=’on’; void...

10 challenging star pattern program in c

Computer languages are not as easy as human languages, they need you to become a computer yourself, think like a computer and write an algorithm. Computer programs are fun if you take them up as a challenge, as unsolved puzzles. There is lot of fun in taking up the challenge,...

05 September 2011

Free Ebook On Programming, SQL And Hacking

1. the C book : click here to download 2. learn SQL in 21 just days (pdf) : click here to download 3. learn ms-access2007 (pdf ) : click here to download 4. cyber crime (pdf) : click here to download if you want any book for free download then let us know...

04 September 2011

collection of free software downloads


free ebooks download

Hackers Secrets ebook   CLICK HERE TO DOWNL...

01 September 2011

how to make password protected folder without any software

Today i would like to share with you how to make a password protected folder without any software .You can use this in your usb drive to protect your folders. Follow these instruction. 1. Open Notepad and copy the code cls @ECHO OFF title Folder Locker if EXIST “Control...