21 January 2012

Explaining phishing to new-bies

what is phishing ? According to wikipedia " Phishing is a way of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators...

How to hack Gmail account through phishing

Hi friends I hope you all are fine today I am going to post on article for “How To Hack Gmail Accounts” using Smart Gmail Phishing. Their are many Gmail Phisher available on net but I must say they all are outdated and most of them are detected, So I though to create a new...

20 January 2012

Newly created grounds of BCA in indian IT sector

If you are doing BCA then you must have encountered a situation where you have asked a question - why are you doing BCA instead of b-tech ? So lets try to answer this very simple que . First of all according to the resent tabloid that suggests the recent outburst of BCA...

13 January 2012

Art Of Email Spoofing : Fake Email Generation

Welcome to the era of  trickery, where  you may be able to trust your some friends, but can no longer trust their e-mails. Identity theft is quickly becoming the biggest issue when it comes to e-mail, and it has a name: e-mail spoofing.  Email spoofing...

05 January 2012

Download your entire Facebook data in few click

Go to your "Account Settings" on the upper right corner under the drop down box. At the bottom of your facebook page you will find written Download a copy of your facebook data. click on "Download a copy" highlighted in blue. It will take you to this page: click on ...

How to calculate execution time of your C program

Here is a short C program that will calculate the time of 300 squares and 300 cube of i ( where i is 1,2,3........300 ) /* timer.c - simple example of timing a piece of code */  #include <stdio.h>  #include <sys/types.h>  #include <time.h>  main()  {  int i;  time_t t1,t2;  (void) time(&t1);  for...